The marketer’s guide to programmatic direct mail

As advertisers seek solutions for the loss of addressable audiences, they’re also looking for effective methods amid consumers experiencing digital fatigue. The emerging strategy is programmatic direct mail (PDM) — upgrading direct mail to connect it to the online world for a performance-driven tactic.
This companion video to Modern Retail and PebblePost’s recent Unpacked guide on PDM dives further into how programmatic direct mail solves challenges for marketers without cookies or online identifiers. As the experts in the video explain, while PDM may be a new concept for some marketers, it’s rooted in familiar tactics and ties into existing strategies for more effective campaigns.
Watch this video to see:
- Nick Dujnic, vice president of marketing at PebblePost, discusses how PDM differs from traditional direct mail, what makes for a compelling PDM asset and more.
- Jacob Ross, Chief Executive Officer at PebblePost, explores how metrics and attribution for PDM work.
- Lori Mason, general counsel and Chief Privacy Officer at PebblePost, highlights how privacy factors into PDM.
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