Modern Retail Research: Amazon is the second-most effective platform for driving sales

Everyone loves to hate on Amazon. The e-commerce juggernaut ranks low on trustworthiness, DTC brands don’t want to sell on it, and even Nike is no longer going to be working with Amazon Retail.
But even as other platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat try to grow their commerce businesses, Amazon remains the undisputed leader when it comes, really, to what matters: driving sales.
Modern Retail Research surveyed 206 respondents across retail and retail media to ask them how they were using specific channels and for what purpose — specifically, brand awareness, community building and driving sales.
More than half of all consumer brands and 30% of retailers said Amazon is the most effective platform, except for Search, at driving sales.
For retailers and brands, Instagram is the most effective platform for brand awareness. About 71% of retailers and a whopping 86% of brands said that Instagram is the most effective channel for brand awareness.
It’s followed relatively closely by Facebook. Amazon doesn’t rank very high, lagging behind both of those as well as Google for brand awareness.
For “community,” Instagram and Facebook come in very high. Pinterest also ranks high, with almost 30% of retailers saying that it’s effective for creating community and 22% of brands.