Modern Retail Marketing Summit

Santa Barbara, CA
Aug 19–21, 2024

It’s gotten easier for brands to reach new customers, but more difficult to build sustainable marketing playbooks. Brands – and, by extension, marketers – increasingly have to be jacks of all trades. They need to test out a host of channels at once, quickly learn how to use new distribution channels, learn the ins and outs of new retail media networks and figure out what dollar amount is right for their brand as they face pressure to spend more. And, they have to figure out how to push the envelope with brand marketing.

At the Modern Retail Marketing Summit, we will dive deep into how top brands approach all aspects of marketing, in both traditional and nontraditional ways. The event will bring together the best and most exciting brands and retailers to discuss:

• Customer acquisition strategies
• The evolution of performance marketing
• How brands and retailers are testing new channels without breaking the bank
• The rise of retail media networks
• How brands and retailers are thinking about – and measuring – offline marketing
• All the ways the marketing funnel is contracting

A brand’s job isn’t done when a customer buys from an ad. At this event, Modern Retail will look at all of the aspects that ladder up to building not only a successful marketing operation but a brand with staying power.

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  • Annette Dunleavy
  • Leala Francis
  • Brian Gulotta
  • Adeela Hussain Johnson
  • Greg Kalin
  • Kevin Keith
  • Michael Kotick
  • Jennifer Liao
  • Louis Monoyoudis
  • Dan Murphy
  • Toral Patel
  • Matt Repicky
  • Meghan Shookman


Aug. 19

  • 1:30 pm PT
    Registration Opens

  • 2:00 pm PT
    Opening Remarks

  • 2:15 pm PT
    Customization is Key

    The most successful brands are in constant communication with their customers, and are consistently acting on their feedback. In this session, one brand executive will provide a case study regarding how their team regularly gathers customer feedback, and how they are able to act on it, personalizing products and communication to directly meet customer needs.

  • 2:45 pm PT
    The Evolution of a Modern Marketing Campaign

    After pivoting a business strategy or revamping a brand for the 21st century, piecing together a marketing campaign for the digital world can be daunting. In this session, one brand will discuss how they recently built upon a rebrand or pivot with a new campaign.

  • 3:15 pm PT
    Sponsor Workshop

  • 3:30 pm PT
    Balancing Brand Versus Performance Marketing

    It’s an age-old debate: how should companies balance brand versus performance marketing? There’s rarely a clearly-divided line between the two. In this session, one brand executive will discuss how their team thinks about brand and performance marketing, and what role its performance marketing channels have played in successful brand campaigns.

  • 3:50 pm PT
    Sponsor Dialog

  • 4:00 pm PT
    How to Create a Modern Acquisition Marketing Machine

    Successful brands know how to bring consumers into their world: They communicate across marketing channels to meet customers where they are, creating campaigns suited to each platform. They also work with relatable influencers to amplify the brand message and create consumer-friendly feedback loops, acting on resulting data. This session will break down these strategies.

  • 4:20 pm PT
    Networking Break

  • 4:30 pm PT
    Challenge Board & Sandbox Presentations

    Brands only. Join us for a breakout session where we will discuss challenges during an open and candid conversation about the industry. Sandbox Sessions: Tatari: 5:05 p.m.

    Greg Kalin



  • 5:15 pm PT
    VIP Welcome Reception

    By invitation only.

  • 5:30 pm PT
    8-Minute Meetings

    By invitation only The 8-minute business meetings connect VIP brand executives with innovative technology platforms and media companies. They are designed to help your team build valuable new relationships and ultimately, close business deals.

  • 6:30 pm PT
    Cocktail Reception

    Open to all.

Aug. 20

  • 8:30 am PT
    Breakfast & Registration Re-Opens

  • 9:00 am PT
    Town Hall

    We'll delve deeper into day one's challenge board and come up with actionable solutions.

  • 10:00 am PT
    Welcome Back

  • 10:05 am PT
    Building Community and Brand Awareness with Event Marketing

    Retailers are increasingly placing events at the center of their marketing strategies. This session will cover what successful brands are building into their robust event schedules, and how they’re using customer targeting, philanthropy and influencer partnerships to get the most out of their events.

  • 10:25 am PT
    Sponsor Workshop

  • 10:40 am PT
    Team Effort: The Art of the Collaboration

    The best collaborations are between brands that are experts in different product categories and have unique audiences, so that each brand can reach a new group of potential customers. Recent success stories include collabs between beauty and wellness brands, fashion and home companies, and luxury and streetwear designers. An insider will explain why the partnerships resonated.

  • 11:00 am PT
    Session with MNTN

  • 11:10 am PT
    Success on Social Media

    In this session, one brand executive will take us through how their team has been able to win the hearts of new consumers first on Instagram, and now on TikTok and how the brand has found growth within niche social media communities. We'll hear about how the brand has been able to expand upon the success and attention of that one of their tentpole products has created.

  • 11:30 am PT
    Modern Market

    Join us for a networking break where attending brands will be activating and handing out product samples.

  • 12:15 pm PT

  • 12:15 pm PT
    360 Workshop with Zeals

    By invitation only.

    Brian Gulotta



  • 1:00 pm PT
    Afternoon Break

  • 5:30 pm PT
    8-Minute Meetings

    The 8-minute business meetings connect VIP brand executives with innovative technology platforms and media companies. They are designed to help your team build valuable new relationships and ultimately, close business deals.

  • 6:30 pm PT
    Cocktail Reception

    Open to all.

Aug. 21

  • 8:30 am PT

  • 9:05 am PT
    Navigating the New Retail Media Landscape

    The rise of retail media networks has added another layer of complexity when it comes to deciding where to allocate marketing dollars. In this session, one brand executive will discuss what type of campaigns they have run through retail media networks, what tactics they have found success with, and how to properly attribute sales to these new channels.

  • 9:25 am PT
    Sponsor Workshop

  • 9:40 am PT
    Maintaining Brand Identity

    Identity is the DNA of a brand; it’s often the reason consumers keep coming back for more. In this session one brand exec will discuss how to keep brand identity consistent across channels, and ensure that a brand's purpose and values are kept at the forefront even when going through a refresh.

  • 10:00 am PT
    Sponsor Dialog

  • 10:10 am PT
    How to Build and Maintain Consumer Trust

    In today's competitive retail landscape, earning and maintaining consumer trust is paramount. This session will delve into proven strategies and best practices for building strong, lasting relationships with customers. We will learn how transparency, consistent communication, quality assurance, and ethical practices contribute to consumer confidence.

  • 10:30 am PT
    Closing Remarks & Key Takeaways


The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara

Pass Options

Connect Pass
  • • Access to three days of key insights and honest discussion
  • Three one-on-one 8-Minute Meetings with executives of your choice
  • • Early access to book the one-to-one meetings of your choice
  • • Networking functions including meals, cocktail receptions, attendee activities and more
  • • Access to our meeting scheduler to help you find the perfect prospects
  • Brand or retail marketing execs: You may be eligible for a discounted Retailer Pass. Contact us here to find out.
Buy Now
Best Value
Premium Connect Pass
  • • Access to three days of key insights and honest discussion
  • Five one-on-one 8-Minute Meetings with executives of your choice
  • • Early access to book the one-to-one meetings of your choice
  • • Networking functions including meals, cocktail receptions, attendee activities and more
  • • Access to our meeting scheduler to help you find the perfect prospects
  • Brand or retail marketing execs: You may be eligible for a discounted Retailer Pass. Contact us here to find out.
Buy Now
